This page is 'aphasia friendly'.
This means it is easier to read for people with aphasia.
Key points:
This is a hard question for therapists
Words about recovery matter
Everyone has a different timeline
If you have aphasia after hospital, you will likely need rehabilitation
Rehabilitation should start early but no one treatment is best
Recovery is really hard to predict
At some point the focus may shift to ‘living well with aphasia’
There is a grief process after stroke
Support is important
So will I recover from aphasia?
My answer: “We don’t know what predicts aphasia recovery which makes this question hard. Some people with aphasia recover completely within days, some take longer and some will live with aphasia long term. Your recovery is related to how much brain was lost after the stroke. For those who have aphasia on leaving the hospital a process will begin of accepting a new normal. People with aphasia make good recovery with rehabilitation but it does take a lot of effort. And recovery is about more than words. It matters that you have support from your therapists and loved ones”
Additional recommended links:
Stroke Foundation resources for general stroke recovery information